Management of feeding issues in babies born preterm
Identifying and addressing common feeding problems
The presentation covers:
- Feeding outcomes in babies born preterm
- High risk infants and red flags
- Management of some common feeding concerns
- A case study
- Introducing solids
- Practical food ideas for parents
- Resources
Read a review of the presentation here
You may also be interested in Colleen's presentation Preterm infants: long term nutritional issues
Watching this presentation and completing the assessment can contribute towards assessable Continuing Professional Development hours
About the Presenter
Colleen Oliver is a Clinical Specialist Dietitian working in the Neonatal Unit at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne. She has over 20 years of paediatric experience working in children’s hospitals across Australia and the UK and currently works with some of the most vulnerable infants born prematurely and their families. She is involved in clinical neonatal nutrition research and infant feeding policy development. Colleen is also a Steering Committee member of the Australasian Neonatal Dietitians Network (ANDiN), a support network founded in 2016 for neonatal dietitians to share knowledge and improve clinical skills and enhance evidence-based practice in neonatal nutrition.
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- Access to a recording of the presentation
- Presentation notes
- Assessment quiz and certificate
- Suggested further reading
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