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Linking cultural identity to health and wellbeing-EIE

29 Jun, 2022

Celebrating NAIDOC week 3-10 July 2022

The presentation covers: 

  • Bias in healthcare
  • Gaining trust with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities
  • Intergenerational effects of the stolen generation
  • The therapeutic benefits of culture and the importance of clinicians holding a space of cultural curiosity when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities

This presentation is eligible to contribute 1 point towards your annual professional development points. 

ESSA professional development category: Further Education - Industry Courses.

About the presenter

Adam Dunn is a proud Wurundjeri and Kamilaroi man, a family therapist and the clinical team leader for the Aboriginal Take Two program at Berry Street. Adam works with children in out-of-home care who are often experiencing significant trauma related to issues such as family violence, sexual abuse, and drug and alcohol issues.

Registration includes:

  • Access to a recording of the webinar
  • Presentation notes
  • Assessment quiz and certificate
  • Suggested further reading

Registration types: 


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