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Improving Indigenous health – everyone’s business

03 Jul, 2015

There is a clear relationship between the health status of Indigenous Australians and the social disadvantage they experience

The presentation covers:

  • Overview of Indigenous health
  • Contemporary and historical issues impacting Indigenous health
  • The social determinants of health
  • Cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients
  • Your role in improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Watching this presentation and completing the assessment can contribute towards assessable Continuing Professional Development hours

About the presenters

Dr Karla Canuto 
Karla Canuto is a Torres Strait Islander woman from Far North Queensland. Her formal qualifications include a degree in sports and exercise science, a graduate diploma in Indigenous health promotion and she was awarded her PhD in 2013. Her work experience includes community development, health promotion and health research. Karla’s PhD involved the development, implementation and evaluation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Fitness Program, funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council. The 12-week exercise and nutrition program was trialled in an urban setting and the facilitator’s manual is now available as a free resource. Karla has a keen interest in developing, implementing and evaluating interventions for the primary and secondary prevention of chronic diseases. Her current role with the Wardliparingga Aboriginal Research Unit is Research Fellow within the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute’s Centre for Research Excellence in Aboriginal Chronic Disease Knowledge Translation (CREATE), where she leads health promotion activities.

Associate Professor James Ward
James Ward is head of Infectious Diseases Research-Aboriginal Health at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute in Adelaide. He has extensive experience in sexual health and blood-borne virus research and is recognised as Australia's expert in the field of STI and BBV control among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. He has been or is currently a member of a number of professional, technical and expert committees, including the Federal Ministerial Committee on STI and BBV, NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee STI & HIV, Hepatitis, Victorian HIV Taskforce, and the Northern Territory Sexual Health Advisory Group. He is regularly invited to present on his work at national and international conferences, including in 2014 as a Plenary Speaker at the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne. He is a board member of the Australasian Society of HIV Medicine and an inaugural board member of the newly formed Harm Reduction Australia.

Registration includes

Access to the live webinar or a recording of the webinar
Presentation notes
Multiple choice questions and answers
Suggested further reading

This is a free recording to celebrate NAIDOC week