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Exercise management for PCOS

01 Jul, 2024

Practical application for the AEP

The presentation covers: 

  • PCOS signs, symptoms and diagnosis 
  • Evidence for exercise in PCOS 
  • AEP assessment and client support resources 

The ESSA Professional Development Committee certifies that this Professional Development offering meets the criteria for 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points.


About the presenter

Eva Boland runs her own private practice clinic in Canberra, specialising in women’s health, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and invisible illness. With 18 years’ clinical experience, Eva’s professional mission is to translate research to practice using a biopsychosocial approach. Eva has been an invited clinical educator at the University of Canberra since 2016, is a member of numerous ESSA professional committees, and was the ESSA ACT Chapter Chair from 2016-2019. Eva specialises in treating chronic fatigue syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypermobility spectrum disorder, peri and post menopause and osteoporosis.

Registration includes:

  • Access to a recording of the webinar
  • Presentation notes
  • Assessment quiz and certificate
  • Suggested further reading

Registration types:

  • Individual on-demand presentation: $38 (special - buy 5 and receive 7)
  • Multi-user: $99
  • Individual annual subscriber – 12 months access to entire Education in Exercise library: $144 (Group pricing is also available)
  • Individual and group subscriptions – 12 months access to both the Education in Exercise and Education in Nutrition libraries learn more here.