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Safe exercise at every stage (SEES): Clinical guidelines for exercise and eating disorders.

21 Aug, 2017

The development of medically appropriate exercise guidelines for eating disorders

The presentation covers:

  • An overview of the "Safe Exercise at Every Stage" (SEES) Guidelines
  • A practical guide to medically and psychologically graded exercise for people with an eating disorder
  • The maximum level of safe exercise
  • The risks related to exercise beyond contraindicated levels

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About the Presenter

Alanah is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) with a special interest and experience in eating and weight concerns. She works within the multidisciplinary team at Centre for Integrative Health (CFIH), and has a firm understanding of both the physiological and psychological underpinnings of eating and weight concerns. So much so, Alanah and her research team (Sarah King and Marita Cooper) have created the world's first medically-graded exercise guidelines for people with eating disorders.

Alanah has completed training in Maudsley Family Based Therapy (FBT) and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Enhanced) (CBTe). Whilst at university, Alanah was also the head tutor, or Academic In Charge, for Anatomy and Physiology. In the near future, Alanah plans to complete a PhD on movement guidelines for eating issues.

Registration includes

  • Access to a recording of the webinar
  • Presentation notes
  • Multiple choice questions and answers
  • Suggested further reading

Registration types

  • Recording: $38 to receive a recording of the webinar and associated documents.
  • Subscription: $33 monthly for all Education in Nutrition recordings