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Exercise for people with heart failure

01 Mar, 2024

Physiology and practical prescription of exercise in the management of patients with heart failure

The presentation covers: 

  • The physiology of exercise for heart failure
  • Exercise training in patients with heart failure – what’s the evidence?
  • Practical application of exercise training

Read a review of the presentation here

1 CPD point. ESSA professional development category: Further Education- Industry Courses.

About the presenter

Professor Andrew Maiorana is the Head of the Department of Exercise Physiology at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, where he manages multidisciplinary cardiac rehab and heart failure services. He also holds the position of Research Professor with the Curtin School of Allied Health, at Curtin University.  Andrew’s research themes include optimising exercise testing and training in cardiovascular disease, and evaluating new approaches to service delivery to improve health outcomes. He has a keen interest in the potential of digital health, and a passion for improving cardiovascular health in people from disadvantaged populations through accessible and culturally appropriate models of care.  

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  • Access to a recording of the webinar
  • Presentation notes
  • Assessment quiz and certificate
  • Suggested further reading

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  • Individual on-demand presentation: $38 (special - buy 5 and receive 7)
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  • Individual annual subscriber – 12 months access to entire Education in Exercise library: $144 (Group pricing is also available)
  • Individual and group subscriptions – 12 months access to both the Education in Exercise and Education in Nutrition libraries learn more here.