Diet and mental health
The role of diet in anxiety and depression
Friday August 28, 2015, 10.00am-11.00am AEST
The presentation will cover:
An overview of evidence from studies looking at the connection between diet and mental health
The overall dietary influences of key biological factors pertinent to depression
Dietary improvement as a treatment strategy in major depression
Watching this presentation and completing the assessment can contribute towards assessable Continuing Professional Development hours
About the Presenter
Associate Professor Felice Jacka is a Principal Research Fellow at Deakin University, with honorary positions at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, The University of Melbourne and the Black Dog Institute. She is president of both the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research (ISNPR) and the Australian Alliance for the Prevention of Mental Disorders (APMD). Associate Professor Jacka's ongoing program of research focuses on lifestyle behaviours, particularly diet, as risk factors for the common mental disorders, depression and anxiety. She is internationally recognised as a pioneering researcher in the new discipline of Nutritional Psychiatry, leading multiple studies establishing associations between diet quality and mental health in adults, adolescents and children from many countries. She has also developed a theoretical framework for this research, which has extensive applications and implications for public health and clinical practice. Associate Professor Jacka is the recipient of a number of grants and awards, including funding for the first randomised controlled trial of dietary improvement as a treatment strategy in major depression. Her research program comprises a broad range of observational investigations, as well as the development and evaluation of community-based and clinical interventions. Her goals are to develop effective, best-practice strategies for the universal primary prevention of the common mental disorders, as well effective secondary prevention and treatment strategies for those affected.
Registration includes
Access to the live webinar or a recording of the webinar
Presentation notes
Multiple choice questions and answers
Suggested further reading
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