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Collagen Supplements: Facts and Fallacies

07 Jun, 2024

The science behind collagen supplements and their purported usefulness

The presentation covers:

  • What collagen is
  • Overview of literature for use of collagen in skin health
  • Collagen content of foods
  • Practical aspects of supplementing with collagen for skin health
  • Other uses for collagen supplementation
  • Future research needed

Read a review of the presentation here

Watching this presentation and completing the assessment can contribute towards assessable Continuing Professional Development hours

About the Presenter:

Dr Tim Crowe is a career nutrition research scientist and an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian. He has 30 years of research and teaching experience in the university and public hospital sector, covering diverse research areas of basic laboratory research, clinical nutrition intervention trials and public health nutrition. He now works chiefly as a freelance health and medical writer, scientific consultant and science communicator. He has an active media profile and a large social media following through his Thinking Nutrition blog and podcast.

Registration includes:

  • Access to a recording of the presentation
  • Presentation notes
  • Assessment quiz and certificate
  • Suggested further reading

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