Nut anaphylaxis: case study
The case:
A 10 year old boy is referred for nutritional assessment and advice following an episode of anaphylaxis after eating muffin. He has a history of asthma and when he was a baby had eczema and an egg allergy which have both resolved. In this fascinating case where the anaphylaxis trigger is unknown, Vicki describes her management from diagnosis to ongoing care.
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About the Presenter
Vicki is an Advanced APD and the dietitian for the Department of Allergy and Immunology at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, where her role involves patient care, teaching, training, resource development and research. Vicki is involved in food allergy training of dietitians, nurses and doctors and is a frequently invited to participate in conferences, training sessions, and resource development in the area of food allergy. She also has a private practice specialising in food allergy at the Melbourne Allergy Centre and Children's Specialists, based in Parkville. She is the past chair of the dietitian subcommittee of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). Vicki is involved in food allergy research and has several publications related to food allergy and is completing her PhD with the Centre for Food and Allergy Research based at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the University of Melbourne.
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